Have your vegetables and... eat your chocolate too!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I was honored to find that Anna in Australia featured my Tarragon & Chocolate Biscotti on her blog, Morsels & Musings. I am continually amazed at some of the things I find on food blogs around the world. In her Recipe Carousel #4, she featured a roundup of interesting ways people are using chocolate -- with zucchini, rosemary, and the most unusual of all, cauliflower. Yes, cauliflower!

Now I've heard of chocolate-themed gardens, where people plant things like chocolate cosmos and chocolate-scented daisies. Amy Stewart even mentioned that we're soon to get a chocolate-colored rose. And you can just about smell all the scrumptious botanical temptations offered by the Chocolate Flower Farm. But some of the recipes on Anna's blog, for me, put an entirely new twist on the idea of a chocolate garden.

I was looking at my own garden today, with chocolate-colored glasses on. Hmmm... what next? Chocolate and beets? Chocolate with tomatoes? I can't help but wonder about all the possibilities. Why relegate chocolate to just dessert?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was just looking at Panama Gourmet's coffee vinaigrette recipe and wondering how it would turn out with cocoa nibs instead.

10:38 AM  

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