Sunday, January 28, 2007

Basil by the Bowlful

On a gray winter day, I wanted to brighten things up with something green. This is a bowlful of basil we picked last fall and made into pesto. Mmmmm, pesto!

Join Green Thumb Sunday

This is my photo for this week's edition of Green Thumb Sunday. Gardeners and nature lovers can join. Visit As the Garden Grows for more information and check here to see posts from other Green Thumbs.


  1. that basil looks so luscious I can almost smell it.

  2. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Wow, Christa...I agree with Acey -- that's almost a scratch-and-sniff picture! Or, at least, I wish it was. It looks beautiful, and I can't wait for it to be basil season again.
